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FWC notified of possible Coyote presence in Ponce Inlet neighborhood.

Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 11:00AM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



Last week, there were reported sightings of a possible coyote roaming the area in the Las Olas neighborhood in Ponce Inlet, made to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). While the exact nature of the animal is not yet confirmed, the FWC will only respond if a coyote exhibits aggressive behavior or becomes a nuisance.

Coyotes, known for their adaptability and natural pest control abilities, are typically not a threat to humans. They are usually frightened off by human presence and do not pose a danger unless provoked. Killing or removing coyotes can also have unintended consequences, as it may create vacancies for other coyotes to move into the area due to their highly organized social structure.

To minimize the likelihood of negative encounters with coyotes, FWC advises residents to take precautions, like securing all possible food sources, including pet food and garbage, as these can attract coyotes. View FWC Wildlife Attractant Scorecard to help determine what attractants are in your area.

Furthermore, pet owners are urged not to leave their domestic animals outdoors or unattended in screened enclosures. Always ensure that dogs are walked on leashes to prevent them from running off or getting out of sight. 

In the event of a coyote approaching, residents should employ various deterrent methods such as yelling, using air horns, throwing rocks, squirting with a hose, or installing motion-activated devices like alarms or sprinklers in their yards. To assist the community in understanding how to deter coyotes effectively, the FWC has released an instructional video available on their YouTube channel, which is viewable here

For more information about coyotes, please consider watching the FWC presentation on Living with Coyotes at

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